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Finlé  Exchange Tokens (FXT)

FXT – Finlé Exchange Tokens

Finle has issued FXT project tokens that are mainly intended to fund this project and to garner support from the user community. The Finlé Money is under active development and expected to become fully operational in Q1-2024. The FXT tokens have a total supply of 30 Million and allocated as follows:

Fund raising divided into multiple series: 15 Million Tokens
Uniswap Liquidity Pool Allocation: 1 Million Tokens (300 per wallet)
Private Equity Investors: 5 Million Tokens
Internal Reserves and Distribution: 9 Million Tokens

How to subscribe to FXT Series A

The project is currently open to Series A Fundraising. The project is offering 6 Million tokens at the issue price of 6000 tokens for every ETH or part thereof received. You can swap your ETH for FXT tokens on Etherscan by using this link and following the instructions below and the image to your right:

  1. Connect your wallet (e.g. Metamask) where it says Connect to Web3.
  2. Click on swap function, input the amount you want to spend and hit the blue Write button.
  3. You will be asked to sign the transaction on your wallet. Upon signing your transaction will be processed, and if successfully completed, you will receive the FXT tokens into your wallet.
  4. Go over to your wallet and add custom tokens with this FXT contract address: 0xfDEED27104510d4969C869a44e09596182aa2EEc
  5. The tokens you purchased will show up on your wallet.
  6. That’s it. You are done. Thank you!

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