Protocol Timeline

Series A Fundraising Released

Released Series A Fundraising Swap Contract for the Finle Exchange Token (FXT.) Subscribers can swap their ETH for FXT tokens. Available on Etherscan:

Finle Money Website launch

Launched the Finle Money website.

Stablecoin Protocol Released

The Finle Stablecoin Protocol completed and released.

Birth of Finle Stablecoin Protocol

Named the stablecoin protocol as Finle Stablecoin Protocol and decided to introduce the protocol and the associated coins through application.

Launch Finle Project Tokens (FTX)

Deployed the Finle Project Tokens for crowdfunding, internal as well as private distribution.

Begin Development Work

Begin software and smart contract development work for introduction of stablecoin protocol.

Decision to launch a stablecoin

After a thorough analysis we concluded that the current stablecoins did not meet our requirements. Therefore we decided to build something from ground up and launch our own stablecoin protocol.

Evaluation of Stablecoins

Evaluation of current stablecoins available in the market and their applications.


Sonny conceived the idea for introduction of new breed of stablecoins with a focus on cross-border payments, foreign exchange and day-to-day applications. Considered various options from forking the Bitcoin project to starting a new Ethereum based blockchain to simply building stablecoins backed by other set of cryptos and fiat currencies.